After surgery, it is important that when you are advised to do so by your surgeon, you get your body moving. You lose a lot of energy and strength through any surgery, whether you’re having a breast reduction Manchester based or knee surgery in London. The type of recovery and how soon you’re able to do exercise will depend heavily on the type of surgery you’ve heard of, so first and foremost listen to your surgeon. However, we’re here with a bit of guidance to help get you on your way. So, let’s get into it!
Start With Baby Steps (Literally)
After surgery, when you are given the all clear by your surgeon, you need to start very gradually. Not only will your body be weaker, but when you’ve mainly been sitting down or lying down for a long time, when you then stand up you will also likely feel quite light headed to start with. So, before you stand up, sit on the end of your bed for a few minutes and then gradually stand up. Start by doing very small steps, perhaps just around the living room, then do this a couple of times a day. Then you can start going a bit further around the house or the garden, then when you feel more confident go outside for a short walk, making sure you’re with someone else. Keep building up like this, as it’s so much better to just take your time and make sure you recover safely. After some surgeries you will be able to walk quickly after your surgery, such as a breast augmentation in Manchester, whereas others, such as knee replacements or hip replacements, it’ll be much longer before you can walk. So, just take your time!
Focus On Low Impact
Another thing that you should do when getting back into exercise, after you’ve started walking again, is to focus on low impact exercises. You definitely don’t want to be jumping back into high intensity exercise of any kind, so once your surgeon gives you the go ahead, doing things like light stretching, yoga, longer walks or a gentle cycle can all really help your body to regain some strength without having a negative impact. Again, make sure to check with your surgeon on this, but it can be fantastic for your recovery.
Make Sure You Rest
Last but not least, it is vital that you make sure you rest. When you are starting to move around again, it is going to drain some energy from you, so if your body is giving you any signs that you need to rest, then make sure you listen to it! It is so important that you give your body recovery time, as when you push yourself too much too early, it will only negatively impact your recovery. So, take your time, let your body rest and you will reap the benefits. It is absolutely worth the patience here for a happy and healthy recovery.